Deborah Saenz


" I'm a Word GRL"

Deborah Saenz

Share one photo from your childhood and tell us why it’s significant to you. 

This is my favorite photo from my elementary school years. It was an awkward stage for me, but I remember being in love with my outfit and feeling so confident in it.  It reminds me of the innocence, optimism and carefree spirit I had when I was a child. This little girl is still within me, and when life gets tough I remember to channel her confident energy. 

As a woman, what challenge have you had to overcome? 

The biggest challenge I've faced is going through a divorce and becoming a single mother. It was a situation I never thought I'd find myself in; my whole world crumbled, and it caused me to question my identity. With time, I have found a strength. What has helped me the most is having other strong women in my community who inspire me, support me, and remind me that I am not alone. 

You’re dancing in your car. Who are you listening to? 

Olivia Rodrigo. She's my 7-year-old daughter's favorite singer.  

What makes you most proud to be a woman?

The strength and resilience of women amazes me every day. The level of multitasking we can achieve is truly epic! The vulnerability and empathy we are capable of sharing keeps the world spinning. 

What do you think of when you hear the words: Graceful, Resilient, Limitless?

I think about the women in my family who have gone before me. My ancestors who worked hard their entire lives and faced so many struggles we've never had to face. When I see old photographs of my grandmothers and great aunts, I see grace and resilience in their faces. I am here today because of them.  

Do you have a piece of jewelry that you feel embodies your femininity or a special memory/connection?

My mom gave me a silver charm bracelet when I was pregnant with my first baby. The first few charms were of a baby stroller and a onesie. Since then I've added on several new charms that symbolize different stages. It's a special piece of jewelry for me because when I wear it, it reminds me of how far I've come

Name a woman who inspires you.

Sandra Cisneros is a poet and novelist who inspires me. She was the first Mexican-American professional writer I was exposed to in school. She has continued to break barriers throughout her life and has lit the torches of many young Latina/o writers along the way. I also want to be a woman who shares her gifts with the world and makes a way for others.