Sarah Leeser

Business Strategy Manager

" I'm the Accessories GRL "

Sarah Leeser

Share one photo from your childhood and tell us why it’s significant to you.

I chose this photo because my grandmother was always a huge inspiration to my excessive love of color, pattern and accessories, and I have the necklace she is wearing in this photo. 

As a woman, what challenge have you had to overcome? 

Navigating becoming a "working mother" has been an immense challenge that makes me want to work harder, succeed more and be a strong role model for my daughter in whatever form that takes.


You’re dancing in your car. Who are you listening to? 

Call Me Maybe on repeat, still. 

What makes you most proud to be a woman?

I was always the "mom" in my group of friends growing up and that is something I take pride in, having a nurturing spirit. 


What do you think of when you hear the words: Graceful, Resilient, Limitless? 

I think of women in my life that make me proud and impress me every day.  I come from a long line of creative and artistic women that embody these qualities. 

Do you have a piece of jewelry that you feel embodies your femininity or a special memory/connection?

My engagement ring was my grandmother’s and I think of her every day.

Name a woman who inspires you. 

My mom. She has always been exceptional at making people feel loved, welcome, included and taken care of.