Tiffany Braxton
CEO & Founder
Tiffany Braxton
What inspired you to create GRL?
The experiences of myself and the women around me inspired me to create GRL. Many of us were going through things that were incredibly challenging, yet further defining us as women. It was strengthening both our identity and our sisterhood, and as we kept showing up for one another, I had this desire to create something that spoke this to any woman we’d see. I wanted solidarity in the streets and not just with women we knew. GRL isn’t just about sporting beautiful pieces that celebrate our personal identities as women, but it’s also a visual movement. That ring, that necklace, whatever piece you’re wearing says, “I got you, sis. I support you. I’m that kind of girl.”
Share one photo from your childhood and tell us why it’s significant to you.
This was easy. I actually had this picture on hand because it is one of my favorite pictures from childhood. I still scrunch my nose if I am smiling or laughing hard enough and my eyes in the picture are illuminated with life and joy. It is significant because I never want to lose that life and joy again. So here I am striving to be my 2-year-old self in a way.
As a woman, what challenge have you had to overcome?
It was losing who I was in a relationship and having to find myself and heal. I think that while everyone can go through this, women have a set of societal norms and roles that often box us in. We unintentionally fall into a subservient role and when the relationship crumbles, we are left wondering, “Where did that vivacious girl go? Where did I go?”
You’re dancing in your car. Who are you listening to?
Marshmello. Love him. Can’t get enough of him.
What makes you most proud to be a woman?
The voice a woman gains after going through adversity is phenomenal, show-stopping, divine even. There is nothing like hearing a woman speak from her experience. It is not only life changing but can change the course of history. 🩷Speak up.🩷
What do you think of when you hear the words: Graceful, Resilient, Limitless?
I think of how they all play off one another. For me, graceful is the grace needed to tackle each moment. This can be a mom making breakfast for her children or an athlete scoring a goal or a woman handling business, etc. Resilience is what keeps us moving forward and as we tap into that resilience; we realize we are limitless.
Do you have a piece of jewelry that you feel embodies your femininity or a special memory/connection?
One year, I bought my mom, my daughters and I personalized bracelets. Mine simply says “Mom”, which isn’t so simple. My oldest daughters are adopted. It isn’t a government adoption with paperwork. It happened over years of caring for them. I went from Miss Tiffany, to god-mom, to mom. Mom is one of the most significant titles I will carry in this life, because they essentially adopted me just as much as I did them.
Name a woman who inspires you.
Kris Jenner. Hands down. I see the way her children speak of her. I see what kind of relationship she has with EACH of them. And I see how she loves her grandchildren and how they love her; and unless it is all smoke and mirrors, it is absolutely something to strive for, above all the business and success. I see a woman who has her priorities straight, who loves her family so much, and yet doesn’t neglect herself.